i dunno wad i wan, i dunno how i feel, i dunno wad i shd do, i jus dun understand...
someone pls gives me some ans! =)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:12 AM
Top Ten Reasons to be a Statistician.
took this frm joyce's blog...
Top Ten Reasons to be a Statistician. 1. Estimating parameters is easier than dealing with real life. 2. Statisticians are significant. 3. I always want to learn the entire Greek Alphabet. 4. The probability a statistician major will get a job is >.9999. 5. If I flunk out I can always transfer to engineering. ( huh really? i dun c e link here... ) 6. We do it with confidence, frequency and variability. 7. You never have to be right -- only close. 8. We're normal and everyone else is skewed. 9. The regression line looks better than the unemployment line. 10. No one knows what we do so we are always right.( haha! i like this... )
now u know y i'm a stats major...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 1:27 AM
my first presentation
can u believe it... today is only my first presentation in NUS... wahha! yes i know i'm lucky... no proj till this sem... but my presentation skills sux man~~~ always get stage fright...
my teammates! was nice workin wif them... =D
and liu n i were so boliao we took pics aft lect and on our way home.. ahha! yea yea yea~~~
selamat hari raya everyone!!!!!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006 4:02 AM
day of fun & celebration
our original plan was to go back to sch for a meeting but due to our sian-ness, we backed out and went to vivocity instead... so much for wakin up early! haha! anw, vivo was huge! but din really shop much since most of e shops weren't opened yet... shall go back again! so... we ended up at suntec kbox! =D
peiting n me outside vivo
we e 4 stats major!
aft kbox, i met up wif yufen and yiwen to celebrate yufen's bday! it has been quite awhile since we met up!!! n yes, this outin is indeed long overdue since yufen's bday is on 7oct! watched Departed... din really leave a deep impression on me cos my fear came true - i dozed off during e movie! wah! waste of $$$ man!!!! but cant b help cos i slept only 2hrs yest! owell, i'm jus glad i din miss out on e impt parts! judgin frm wad i watched, i still prefer e hk version... but Leonardo's acting was fabulous! he shd really start winnin sth lor~~~
2 of my dearest frens - yufen & yiwen
outside tm... look at e car behind... it's HELLO KITTY! cute
i tried on yiwen's specs... does it suit me? hah! an intellectual look?~~~ =P
wahaha! it feels so great! jus a simple sat of fun! no work, no assignment, no projects... =D
if only everyday is a saturday...
Saturday, October 21, 2006 2:57 AM
NTU Survey
a survey done by a NTU lecturer, who apparently has a wonderful moustache and baldin head.. e comments are simply HILARIOUS!!! if only we haf such lecturers in NUS too, and not some lecturer who takes 25mins just to do a 'quick' review on the previous topic! :|
watch this asap, in case it gets removed.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:54 PM
i finally passed!!!!!!
yea tt's right~~~ aft one kerb mounting and some kerb strikin, i finally passed my driving test!
actually thot i'll fail again today cos i striked the kerb in e circuit, which is equal to 1/2 of the total allowed demerit pts already, and i picked the longest and busiest test route! but luckily, due to e peak hour jam, my tester decided to drive around e sch area... and again luckily e traffic there was not tt bad... =D pretty smooth... so total demerit points is 12 pts... =D
allrighty... now i can start savin for other stuffs...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 1:02 AM
guess i'm jus scared...
well well well...
Saturday, October 14, 2006 10:36 PM
why all these?
this is irritating...
when i make an effort, it doesnt seem to show... when i wanna study, i fall aslp... (Ok, i've been dozin off even while watchin tv nowadays...) when i wanna do programming, my comp crashes... AGAIN!
yes.. my comp crashes again!!!!!!!!!!!!! stupid... using my bro's comp now... this is so frustratin! this is lame! this is jus so time wasting!
ok..i better go study for my stats test now...i need it to salvage my terrible sem..
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:36 PM
The Departed
I wanna watch this movie! the remake of infernal affairs... though i only watched 1 out of e 3 infernal affairs, i really like it~ and judgin from everyone's reviews, it seems this is one of e nicest movie Martin Scorsese has made... n plus point, e cast is simply great! =D
2:26 AM
my bro is eating chilli crab cup noodles in e rm now, n it jus smells so delicious!!
i'm starving...
if only i can eat supper like nobody's business w/o getting fat... jus like him...
n i jus dun haf a programmer's mind...
life is unfair...
as usual, complainin n complainin n complainin......
wahaha~~~~~ =D
Sunday, October 08, 2006 1:37 PM
fresh new start
i hate it when my comp crashes...
it jus so troublesome to re-dl and install wadever programs tt i need... firefox, acrobat reader, itunes, messenger, my programming programs, bitcomet... ...
and i lost all my bookmarks, which again means i hafta start diggin deep into my memory to retrieve them... n as usual, i always fail la... cant rmb them..
but it's lookin good already~~~ aft so long... FINALLY!!!
n e haze is so irritating...
late nights = low immunity -- +haze --> sick
please clear away quick!
*juliana lim
*24th aug 1986, virgo
*tv freak
+family n friends
+my cats
+food, in particular Japanese and Taiwanese food
+manchester united
+wayne rooney
+ryan giggs
+nemanja vidic
+csi, csi:ny, whose line is it anyway
+soccer matches
+lord of the rings
#being spoken to in a i-told-u-so/rude tone
#talking to ppl who nv listen, as if whatever i say r trash
#being called stupid
#poor personal hygiene
#waking up early
#secondhand smoke
@amazing race
@american idol
@american's next top model
@brothers & sisters
@desperate housewives
@dirty jobs
@project runway
@the mentalist
and more...
LOTR dvd set 转角*遇到爱 dvd an oven a watch get a pet take a pic wif 小豬 go to 百分百 recording see Man Utd play a match live iPhone be happy go to old trafford for a match n c all e man utd players earn enough to bring my family for holiday annually go to venice go to egypt set up my own pastry shop backpacking sky dive and bungee jumping haf all my 4 wisdom tooth extracted :) lasik
and the list goes on...