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Friday, March 05, 2010 2:56 AM

this blog is so dead. nothing much to update on.

last Sunday (28/2) i went to BSB concert, I had a blast! took loads of videos with my singing/screaming in them... not many good pictures, will just upload afew. they said they'll be back next year, and i so want to go again. was glad i was seated (or shd i say standing since everyone stood up as soon as the concert started) at row 7 cos there was NO projection screen. yes how dumb/ridiculous is that.

some things to look forward to -

Mar & April - honeymoon phototaking and Universal Studios
13-17 May - Concert in Taipei
7-14 Jun - Tokyo Trip with family!
14 Jun onwards - New job?



Monday, January 25, 2010 2:32 AM

i just straightened my hair over the weekend, and i'm missing my permed hair already. i so want to perm it again when it's long.

and i'm still coughing like nuts after 2 weeks, after seeing the doctor twice already. man i'm really getting unhealthy, and my immunity is really getting real sucky.

anyhow, i just decided to click and read my own blogger profile and there is this question i answered the other time.

"When you spilled the milk, did it look like the moon?

My answer: it looks like a pool of spilled milk unless it's so round it's a full moon, so crescent it's a crescent moon. wad if i'm drinkin choc milk? brown moon?"

and i have TOTALLY no idea what i'm talking about. that's such a rubbish reply.


Friday, January 01, 2010 3:13 PM

welcome 2010

Happy New Year everyone!

May everyone have a wonderful year ahead!

2009 passed by so quickly it just felt so insignificant. i feel so empty. there's alot going on in my mind, but i've never been good/comfortable in expressing my thoughts, though i'll try my best to pen them down for my future read.

with just a blink of an eye, i've been working for 1.5 years already. i've learnt loads of stuffs along the way - work-related, soft skills and most importantly, more about myself and what to improve on. i've been lucky to have a wonderful work environment and know many great people along the way, though i think i may be dead when i move on to my next job with a shitty working environment. my current office is not strict with our dress code, there's no pressure to dress up or put on make-up, so some of us basically just slap on some foundation and blusher while some just come "nude" - think the number of ladies with full make-up (ie foundation, blusher, mascara, eyeliner etc) is about 1 or 2? office politics is minimal since we simply just work on our own projects. however, as good as it is, i think it's time for me to move on and i'll probably be looking for another job when my contract ends mid 2010. let's pray there'll be more job opportunities.

however, 2009 just feel so small as i've been putting too much focus on stuffs like tv, idols, dreaming and getting upset with things that will never ever happen. i will still continue to do these since they bring me joy, though less fanatic i suppose. i'm still going to indulge myself in concerts etc... talking about concerts, i'm gg to BSB's on 28th Feb! :) shall spend more time enriching myself. wanted to take a course on SPSS, but each mod will cost me about $600-800 on average, and what if they turn out to be irrelevant? waste of money... yes one thing that happened in 2009 is that i'm turning into a scrooge.

i'm glad that i don't have a wishlist full of branded bags, wallets etc and i hope i nv will be. i dun wanna be those materialistic ppl. i wanna save more so that i can travel more often.

i'm glad i've managed to remain in contact with friends that i care about. i don't have a big social circle, but it doesn't matter - "quality over quantity".

i just went for a haircut yesterday, and chopped it to shoulder-length to welcome the brand new year. haha, sounds dumb but anyway, i hope my family and i will have a wonderful, meaningful and healthier year ahead. =)

now i'm off to make my ondeh ondeh!


Saturday, December 19, 2009 4:58 PM

The Amazing Race 16 in Singapore

Filming of the new season of The Amazing Race had been spotted in SG! at the flyer and in Bugis - read it in the papers yesterday and my mum actually saw one team doing the challenge in Bugis that day...

makes me anticipate the next season even more! =)


12:29 AM

罗志祥 《罗生门》

New album 《罗生门》, pre-order starts on 22 Dec! yeah!


12:06 AM

my two little cuties

i love my cats.

and, i'm finally gonna have a 2-week break! though still gotta complete my report by Tues, but first, meet up with Liu and Nanda tmr! =D


Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:20 AM

Brothers & Sisters S04E08

definitely one of my fav scenes from this season of Brothers & Sisters. =)

Contains spoilers...

i like how Robert appears so non-nonchalant when he walks into the room, and Calista Flockhart as Kitty is simply amazing.

and i'm craving so badly for this right now...

i'm hungry!


Saturday, November 28, 2009 4:31 AM

man i want this! or shd i say sth related to sports/media! i'm sure i fulfill (only) point no. 2. =)


Saturday, November 21, 2009 11:57 PM

boring rants

i hate pms.
i've been having these grueling headaches for the 3 days, and also having terrible moodswings and restlessness. but yet still having to work, having to deal with insensitive people who asked me pointblank "y are your hair so dry?", having to interact when i just feel like shutting/clamping up, and controlling my cravings for sweet food/junk food. (i just finished half a pack of chips today! damn)

met up with yufen and yiwen for popeye chicken at century square yesterday. the chicken biscuit was simply terrible, chicken not juicy and too salty. the only thing i like was the mash potato, and service from the girl who served us was bad - giving us only ONE serviette for a family set meal (common sense will tell u we'll definitely need more than that!) and when yufen asked for more, she gave us the black face. did she forget her name is displayed on the cash register and we can complain v easily?

then met up with celine, paulene and serena this morning for dim sum at imperial restaurant at tampines 1. go try it, the dim sum is pretty good in my opinion, order no. 36 千层糕. i like! wanted to bake muffins in the afternoon but napped the whole afternoon instead! yes, waking up at 9+ on a saturday = not enough sleep. =D nvm, i'll just bake tmr, i finally succeeded making banana choc muffins last week! wanna experiment with apple cinnamon and choc muffins tmr...

it's the long weekend next week. finally have 3 days to sleep in. will be going to sitex though to accompany yufen to get her laptop and help my bro buy his router. and the last 2 weeks of dec when i will be on unpaid leave. heck the unpaid, it's still leave. CHEERS! wanna watch this hk drama called 宫心计 during that break.

i think the leads. think the full series will be uploaded by then, so can chiong finish at a go.

man it's going to be 2010 very soon, and i'll have stepped into the working society for 2 years come May/June when my contract ends. plan to take a short break before looking for another job. think my bro should have ord by then, and we can finally go to japan/hong kong (i hope)! o and i can't wait for universal studio theme park to open! S$66 entrance fee sounds reasonable to me. =)

if only i can find a well-paying, enjoyable job! well who doesn't, right? but market research jobs = long hours, loads of work and usually underpaid. but what fields can i switch to, if i do switch?

-end of boring ranting post-


Sunday, November 08, 2009 3:17 AM

i love weekends!

a new song from Elva featuring Luo Zhi Xiang...

萧亚轩&罗志祥 - Wow

Not a big fan of the song though it's growing on me but these moves are cool! n i finally learned how to make gif after so long

then a total different nerdy look in 海派甜心...

courtesy of show forum.

okay, just tried baking muffins this afternoon and i failed again. they don't raise! prob gonna try out a different recipe next week.

o btw, saw this vid of a cat falling...

poor cat, know i shdn't be laughin but can't help it... hope it's fine


Sunday, October 25, 2009 3:06 PM

i'm a tv addict

cheers to the new drama season!! have been watching so many shows lately...

mon - the amazing race, desperate housewives, brothers & sisters
tues - mentalist on ch 5
wed - no show
thurs - project runway and american next top model on ch 5, csi:ny
fri - survivor on ch 5, flashforward (it's a great show so far!), csi

still waiting for lost and 海派甜心! i've heard chuck is good, so prob will watch it during the "off season" when there's absolutely nothing to watch.

been watching so many Whose line is it anyway videos on youtube these days... they're hilarious and here're some of my fav!

tapioca! i love seeing it when they themselves, esp Ryan and Wayne, crack up! seldom Colin since he's usually the one who makes the others lose control of themselves. ha he's a genius!


Mission improbable - The Laundry

Best of laughters part 1 to 3

can we have the show back????

was at F1 with yufen last mth... here're some of the pics..

i actually had some pics of the racers, but i accidentally reformat my cam when trying to delete the old pics... duh.

Backstreet Boys!





after the show.

it was terrible, not the performance but the whole standing-and-trying-to-squeeze-to-get-the-best-view situation. terribly squeezy and hot. and i'm short, so cant really c sometimes with the bunch of ppl standing in front of me. but well at least i finally got to see them perform live!

okay... gonna try baking choc muffins now. hope they turn out well!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:12 PM

CSI Season 10

following CSI:NY, CSI will start on 25th Sept! but somehow i'm no longer as excited as before (used to be my fav CSI out of the three!) cause i'm expecting there'll be loads of Langston again, which kinda turns me off.


1:01 AM

CSI:NY Season 6

CSI:NY Season 6 startin on 24th Sep 2009... FINALLY! =D


Saturday, September 05, 2009 12:26 AM

the last i updated was almost a month ago...

no choice, i haven had much to update on - prob aside from my bday. i'm thankful to all my dearest friends and colleagues who celebrated with me, you know who you are (i'm wondering who's reading my blog nowadays, given that it's so rarely updated!) and i received wishes from people who i care for, and of cos a Happy Bday call from xiaozhu himself! so i'm satisfied, though the call is super short. lol

i actually don't like people singing bday song, just feel kinda awkward, though i do appreciate the effort! :) and i guess when one gets older, bday just become another usual day. but at least, bday is a day that no matter how busy your friends are, they will try to find time to celebrate. i love the gatherings and catching up. :)

but i realise, as i get older, i'm becoming more temperamental and petty.
it's probably because i have higher expectations now, or maybe i'm just getting more spoilt by my parents, or sometimes i just think too much - sth commented by many people alr, but how to tell your mind not to think?

i'm irritated at myself when i forget impt stuff, especially during work/when i actually left my present at Marquee last Sat, and also when my work is not up to std when i know i can do it better.
i don't mind waiting, but not like an extremely long period of time. like how i totally turned black-faced when i had to wait 1 hour for my food to arrive yesterday.
i also dun like people to criticize what i like in front of me, say whatever you like behind my back i don't care. i'm experiencing this quite often recently, which is annoying, especially if it happens early in the morning.
and the other time, when i was on the train on my way to work, there was this lady who kept pushing me with her bag cos i think my bag accidentally touched her a few times, to the extent that i almost fall. i actually frowned and stared at her and make the "ze" sound. and in case you're wondering, there was no one at her other side, so she most likely have done it on purpose. and gosh, it was something so childish...

i know i need to change my temper for the better... but haiz, abit hard to control

anyway, basically i've been working, tuitions, watching movies and all the other usual stuffs. ha, like i said, nothing interesting or exciting. but this mth, i'm going to F1 on 27th race day! cos Backstreet Boys will be performing! at first i thot i wun be able to go cause the tickets were sold out, and i certainly din expect myself to be THAT disappointed when i found that out, but luckily found someone who's letting go his tickets, so yeah, will be going! hope it's worth all the trouble

and in a few weeks' time, shows like CSI, CSI:NY, Brothers & Sisters etc will be back! woo~



Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:05 AM




Tuesday, August 04, 2009 1:56 PM

17-19 July 2009 - Man Utd KL trip

thanks to H1N1, i'm given 3-days MC from 3-5 August for sorethroat, cough and runny nose as a precaution. The doctor said the chances of it being H1N1 is really high, so gotta wait and see. hope it's nothing much really, especially after spending the whole of Sat night with 6 other friends at clarke quay! so, now i've the time to blog on my KL trip.

Day 1

on the comfy coach, all ready to go. my mum was really excited!

as for us, we were still kinda in lalaland...

after 6 hours, we finally reached our hotel The Fereral.

our room...

went to a nearby place to eat b4 gg for the training match...

no matter how much i like eating cai peng in Singapore, i'm nv gonna eat it in KL.

now for the training match...

merchandise sold outside the stadium. din get any though

we were there pretty late, so couldnt get good seats - only managed to sit on the 2nd level.

training pics, thanks to the 10x zoom of my camera. there are more pics on facebook, so can go there take a look if u're interested. ha, i'm not gonna waste my time re-uploading them on my blog all over again. =)

dinner at Jalan Alor, which is just 5 mins walk from our hotel.

the food there are quite similar to SG's, pretty nice and cheap, though my colleague said, if you're paying SG prices for the food there, it means it's quite ex already!

went shopping around, and saw this indoor roller coaster at Times Square.

cool huh...
but other than this, shopping was pretty boring, prob cos it was Friday night. there was another highlight though, Krispy Kreme donuts! =)

Day 2
In order to get good seats for the match, we were queueing outside the stadium since 12+, even though the gates were opened only at 3pm, and the match started only at 5.30pm.

waiting outside the stadium with fellow fans...

in the stadium under the sun. while waiting for the match to start, whenever fans wearing other clubs' jersey were spotted, everyone started boo-ing them.

applauding the fans when they came out for their warm-ups before the match



a nicely-captured moment

thanking the fans again after the match...

again, more pics on fb if you're interested.

went to Petronas Twin Towers after the match..

of cos we had to go there since we were in KL already... and my dad had to take this pic lying on the ground in order to capture the tower.

dinner at Jalan Alor again... this time at a restaurant/eatery thingy place. the food there was ex! RM2.50 for a bowl of plain rice?! but the bak ku teh was really nice though.

Day 3
as our coach would be leaving only at 3pm, we did some shopping.

went to Jalan Petaling, KL's chinatown. nothing really interesting, too many fakes.

interesting way of packing coffee-takeaways... the coffee was really thick and fragrant! i love it!

shopping district...

stretch of atas shops at Pavilion - Aigner, Boss, Burberry, Chanel, Mont Blanc...

and before we left, we bought a few of the local papers and we spotted ourselves in a few of the pics on the Man utd match! =D this was a nice short family trip. next up, Japan/HK next year after my bro ORD!


Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:46 PM


he turns 30 18 today! (according to him, he's forever 18) haha...

i've been wanting to update on my Man utd KL trip, but argh, haven had the time... soon i hope.



*juliana lim
*24th aug 1986, virgo
*tv freak

+family n friends
+my cats
+food, in particular Japanese and Taiwanese food
+manchester united
+wayne rooney
+ryan giggs
+nemanja vidic
+csi, csi:ny, whose line is it anyway
+soccer matches
+lord of the rings

#being spoken to in a i-told-u-so/rude tone
#talking to ppl who nv listen, as if whatever i say r trash
#being called stupid
#poor personal hygiene
#waking up early
#secondhand smoke

@amazing race
@american idol
@american's next top model
@brothers & sisters
@desperate housewives
@dirty jobs
@project runway
@the mentalist
and more...

LOTR dvd set
转角*遇到爱 dvd
an oven
a watch
get a pet
take a pic wif 小豬
go to 百分百 recording
see Man Utd play a match live
be happy
go to old trafford for a match n c all e man utd players
earn enough to bring my family for holiday annually
go to venice
go to egypt
set up my own pastry shop
sky dive and bungee jumping
haf all my 4 wisdom tooth extracted :)
and the list goes on...


June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010



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